Facial Rejuvenation surgery

The ageing process effects all tissues of the face. Reduction in bone, laxity of ligaments, loss of skin elasticity and changes to fat all contribute to the ageing process. Dr Monshizadeh will perform a thorough assessment and offer specific surgical procedures tailored for each patient. In most cases, a combination of surgeries will provide the best results to keep the face in harmony.

Deep plane face and neck lift

This is a powerful procedure to restore position of the deeper tissues, remove laxity and restore a youthful neck and jawline. Incisions are hidden along natural crease lines around the ear and hairline.

Brow Lift

The brows have a significant effect on the appearance of the eyes. It is common for the lateral brow to drop with age contributing to excess skin over the lateral eyelids. A browlift alone or in combination with upper eyelid surgery is a powerful way to restore the youthful appearance of the upper face.


The upper and lower eyelids can change with time due to a variety of causes. There may be excess skin, prominent fat pads, loss of fat causing hollowing or loss of cheek support leading to prominent “tear trough.” It is important to understand the cause of the changes so that they can be addressed accurately for best results. Tailored surgery will allow for natural and pleasing outcomes.

Lip lift

In some patients the space between the nose and lip can lengthen with age. A lip lift procedure reduces this space using an incision hidden under the nose. In addition to restoring normal length, this procedure also improves upper lip show and shape.

Ear lobe surgery

Earlobes can be stretched and enlarged from wearing heavy earrings over decades. A small procedure to reduce their size effectively reshapes the ears restoring them to their normal appearance.

Fat injections

Fat injection can be used to restore volume to specific parts of the face to help restore youthful volume to the face. Common areas that may benefit from fat injection include the upper eyelids (to address hollowing) temples and the “malar” or cheek region.


Stubborn fat deposits can be removed using liposuction. Most commonly this is used to remove fat from under the chin and jawline.

Craniofacial surgery


Orthognathic surgery



Facial Feminisation Surgery

Dr Linda Monshizadeh

MBBS (Hons), FRACS (Plast), MASurg (Craniofacial)



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